If you know the tips, rendering using Photoshop is very easy and then you think. In this tutorial, you can learn some easiest process to make a rendered floor plan in photoshop.
Step – 1 (Create a pattern)
Create your own patter set. To create open the texture image with photo Photoshop. >>Edit >> Define patter(The steps are shown in the tutorial as well)
Rename the pattern and click OK. Now that pattern is ready to use.
Step – 2
Save your CAD floor plan in to a pdf. Open that pdf file with photoshop.
Step – 3
Use the magic wand tool (w) to select the required spaces. Then click create new fill or adjustment layer. Then you can insert a pattern or a solid colour to your selected space. (please watch the tutorial)
Those are the main steps and there are more advanced steps to make your plan better.
Tip – To merge all the layers – select all layers and click Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E and insert a filter as I am doing in the tutorial.
Download the texture files Photoshop source file tree file here (I am using Photoshop 2019)